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Mark works with his clients to build strong worker safety policies, identify hazards, ensure compliance, and protect their operations and reputation.

Clients seek guidance on protecting their employees against every safety or health hazard in the workplace. They need help developing written policies to describe such hazards, training employees, and enforcing compliance with discipline for violations. Mark is the trusted advisor who can help them keep their employees safe.


Mark A. Lies, II

Chicago, IL

Practice Area: Labor & Employment

BTI Client Service All-Star History

  • 2022
  • 2019
  • 2009


"Mark is a our foremost subject matter expert, as well as an excellent, very strategic attorney."
"Mark is proactive and always communicates any information we may need to know."
"He understands what's most important to us."


"My client philosophy is to address the potential new client’s legal problems as if they were my own personal legal problems. I also tell them that I am hopeful that our professional relationship will be long standing and develop into a personal friendship as it has for many of my clients. I also tell them that I have “three-hour rule” in which, if cannot immediately pick up their communication, I will respond to them within three hours of receiving their communication unless I happen to be in a deposition or inaccessible due to travel. Finally, I call my clients on a periodic basis and ask them to provide a candid “report card” of my performance as well as that of my Partners and Associates who may be working on their matters."

– Mark A. Lies, II


Mark works with his clients to build strong worker safety policies, identify hazards, ensure compliance, and protect their operations and reputation.

Clients seek guidance on protecting their employees against every safety or health hazard in the workplace. They need help developing written policies to describe such hazards, training employees, and enforcing compliance with discipline for violations. Mark is the trusted advisor who can help them keep their employees safe.

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Mark A. Lies, II

Chicago, IL

Practice Area: Labor & Employment

M&A All-Star


Mark works with his clients to build strong worker safety policies, identify hazards, ensure compliance, and protect their operations and reputation.

Clients seek guidance on protecting their employees against every safety or health hazard in the workplace. They need help developing written policies to describe such hazards, training employees, and enforcing compliance with discipline for violations. Mark is the trusted advisor who can help them keep their employees safe.

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