Jill represents participants in the affordable housing and historic tax credit industry. Her primary focus is on assisting tax credit investors and syndicators on equity and tax matters on lower-tier investments, including front-end structuring advice and strategy, negotiating and drafting key documentation, and analyzing and solving tax issues. Jill has assisted clients on transactions with any number of different financing sources and structures including projects utilizing income averaging, mixed-income projects, mixed-use projects, mixed-finance public housing projects, tax-exempt bond deals using LIHTC, projects which are financed by a combination of state and federal LIHTC (low-income housing tax credit) and state and federal HTC (historic tax credit), HUD Rental Assistance Demonstration projects utilizing LIHTC and projects using a combination of 9% and 4% LIHTCs.
She also has experience advising investors on the real estate and debt financing aspects of these investments. In addition, Jill’s practice includes advising tax credit investors on various workout, syndication and asset management issues, including assistance with LIHTC and HTC exit strategies.