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Andrew Torre is a Shareholder at Vedder Price and Chair of the Real Estate group.

He counsels institutional and commercial clients in a variety of real estate matters, including the acquisition, disposition, leasing, development and financing of numerous types of real estate. In addition to his transactional practice, Mr. Torre has represented clients in connection with commercial real estate litigation matters, including mortgage foreclosures, forcible entry and detainer actions, zoning actions, breach-of-contract actions and postjudgment collection and enforcement actions.


Andrew Torre

Vedder Price
Chicago, IL

Practice Area: Real Estate



"Mr. Torre's people are all good at what they do."
"He's just great. He really stands out."


Andrew Torre is a Shareholder at Vedder Price and Chair of the Real Estate group.

He counsels institutional and commercial clients in a variety of real estate matters, including the acquisition, disposition, leasing, development and financing of numerous types of real estate. In addition to his transactional practice, Mr. Torre has represented clients in connection with commercial real estate litigation matters, including mortgage foreclosures, forcible entry and detainer actions, zoning actions, breach-of-contract actions and postjudgment collection and enforcement actions.

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Andrew Torre

Vedder Price
Chicago, IL

Practice Area: Real Estate

M&A All-Star


Andrew Torre is a Shareholder at Vedder Price and Chair of the Real Estate group.

He counsels institutional and commercial clients in a variety of real estate matters, including the acquisition, disposition, leasing, development and financing of numerous types of real estate. In addition to his transactional practice, Mr. Torre has represented clients in connection with commercial real estate litigation matters, including mortgage foreclosures, forcible entry and detainer actions, zoning actions, breach-of-contract actions and postjudgment collection and enforcement actions.

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