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Jill has a broad background in e-discovery and has focused exclusively on e-discovery since 2005. She co-directs the firm’s discovery counsel services group and manages a team of discovery attorneys at the firm’s Charlotte e-discovery site.

Jill consults with clients on preservation, collection and production issues; serves as National Discovery Counsel for a number of large institutions, including large financial institutions; serves as record Discovery Counsel in large litigation matters where other firms serve as merits counsel; and consults clients on e-discovery protocols and playbooks. Prior to her e-discovery work, she handled business and financial institution litigation matters for eight years.


Jill Crawley Griset

Charlotte, NC

Practice Area: E-Discovery



"Jill is well-known as the best at organizing national-scope discovery."
"She's been noted for her accomplishments."


"Because I exclusively handle discovery issues, it is very important to keep my eye on costs and focus on creative solutions to increase efficiency and lower the volume of data, as discovery can quickly take over a case if not reigned in. I think it is important to be in the weeds in every case enough to be able to spot inefficiencies and issues, while still maintaining a 30,000 foot view on the overall strategy."

– Jill Crawley Griset


Jill has a broad background in e-discovery and has focused exclusively on e-discovery since 2005. She co-directs the firm’s discovery counsel services group and manages a team of discovery attorneys at the firm’s Charlotte e-discovery site.

Jill consults with clients on preservation, collection and production issues; serves as National Discovery Counsel for a number of large institutions, including large financial institutions; serves as record Discovery Counsel in large litigation matters where other firms serve as merits counsel; and consults clients on e-discovery protocols and playbooks. Prior to her e-discovery work, she handled business and financial institution litigation matters for eight years.

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Jill Crawley Griset

Charlotte, NC

Practice Area: E-Discovery

M&A All-Star


Jill has a broad background in e-discovery and has focused exclusively on e-discovery since 2005. She co-directs the firm’s discovery counsel services group and manages a team of discovery attorneys at the firm’s Charlotte e-discovery site.

Jill consults with clients on preservation, collection and production issues; serves as National Discovery Counsel for a number of large institutions, including large financial institutions; serves as record Discovery Counsel in large litigation matters where other firms serve as merits counsel; and consults clients on e-discovery protocols and playbooks. Prior to her e-discovery work, she handled business and financial institution litigation matters for eight years.

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