Mr. Bazil has been with Pickard Djinis and Pisarri LLP since 1994 and became a partner of the firm in 1998. Mr. Bazil concentrates his practice in the areas of securities enforcement defense, securities litigation and arbitration. He regularly represents clients in formal and information investigations, examinations and reviews by the Securities and Exchange Commission, FINRA and other securities regulators as well as criminal investigations by the US Attorneys’ offices and the FBI. Mr. Bazil has extensive experience practicing in SEC administrative proceedings, in FINRA disciplinary proceedings and in related appellate litigations. He also provides advice and counseling to broker-dealers, investment advisers, hedge funds, alternative trading systems and accounting and legal professionals who appear and practice before the SEC regarding compliance with all aspects of federal securities laws as well as SEC and self-regulatory organization rules and regulations. Mr. Bazil has drafted a number of articles on regulatory and legislative developments pertaining to securities laws and rules.
Prior to joining Pickard Djinis and Pisarri, Mr. Bazil worked for SEC, where he served as Senior Counsel in the Division of Enforcement. During this time, he conducted investigations and consequent administrative and civil litigation on behalf of the Commission in matters involving possible violations of the registration, antifraud, proxy, internal controls and record-keeping, and broker-dealer and investment company provisions of the federal securities laws. Mr. Bazil participated in all aspects of Commission administrative proceedings, including the preparation of pre-hearing and post-hearing motions and briefs, as well as presentation of evidence and examination of witnesses at administrative hearings.