It’s a Hydra. A multi-headed market filled with as much myth as reality. Here is the definitive guide to the litigation market based on the only post-pandemic, in-depth interviews with top legal decision makers managing litigation:
- Clients face the largest increase in caseloads in history
- An overwhelming number of clients are keeping their budgets flat
- Litigation managers are moving budgets and in-house resources to manage the load
- Top legal decision makers expect to hire new law firms to help them with their new reality
- Look for changes in 8 of the largest segments of legal spending as clients reallocate budgets
You have only 1 source to decipher this market, seize the opportunities, and prepare for the stress points — the BTI Litigation Outlook 2021: The Pandemic-Led Market
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BTI Litigation Outlook 2021: The Pandemic-Led Market
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